Your Racist, Shilling, Sad Sack Status Updates Are Why People Keep Unfriending You

angry facebookA new study shows why people drop you as a Facebook friend.

23% of people unfriend for depressing comments; 20% for “lack of interaction” (sorry, dead people!); 14% for “political comments”; 11% for “breakup/divorce”; 8% for “don’t like their friends” (you just chuckled in recognition, didn’t you?); “update profile too often” and “they add too many people” tied at 6% and “they don’t update often enough” coming in last at 3%.

I’m guilty of some of these.

Summary (as Gawker put it) – “Your Racist, Shilling, Sad Sack Status Updates Are Why People Keep Unfriending You”

So if you don’t care and want to lose all your friends immediately, just post the following status update every five minutes for a week:

Why can’t [members of racial group] be more like [members of other racial group] and vote for [political party]? Buy my homemade jewelry so that I won’t have to kill myself.
(via Gawker and nm incite)

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